
Julian is not a friendly or talkative facet. He prefers to be left alone, keeping to himself whenever possible. He can typically be found playing strategy games or building figurines, such as Warhammer models.

Unlike Albert, Kuro, and Megatron, Julian isn't terribly affected by the physical problems present in the host body. He finds the constant shaking frustrating, but most of his roadblocks are focused around the mind. The host's brain is incapable of focusing when being told to, preventing him from being able to enjoy his few hobbies.

Julian isn't going to talk to you, full stop. He might make a remark here or there, but he's even less interested in people than Albert. As far as he's concerned, people are an obsticle preventing him from doing more meaningful tasks. Even addressing him directly won't garner much of a response.

From Julian


System Relationships

  • Julian has no meaningful relationships with any other facets.

SatAM Fictive
