{ Captain || AroAce || INTJ-A || Slytherin }


Click HERE for more!

Payments can be made through Buy Me A Coffee.

These terms will be applied to all commission purchases, rendering them as legally binding documents. Failure to respect the terms below will result in due action, such as reporting through the correct channels, blacklisting your account(s), and potentially further action (especially in regards to selling/profiting from your commission).
If you have any questions, please contact an associated account for details, or email me at ronoae@protonmail.com.

Right to Decline
I, the artist, have the right to decline a commission at any time for any reason. These reasons include but are not limited to:
  • Inappropriate behavior towards myself or others (harassment, sexual or otherwise)
  • Intention to use my work for NFTs (non-fungible tokens), place it on OpenSea (or any similar website), or if you are in support of NFTs/are a "crypto bro"
  • Intention to use my work on AI chat bot sites, such as JanitorAI, ChubAI, FiggsAI, and others. Do not post my artwork on these sites, ever
  • Use of slurs in regards to specific groups which you are not a part of (i.e. using the N word if you are white, tr*nny if you are cis, etc.) or refusal to not use those words in our dialog upon request
  • "Nazifurs" or Nazi-sympathizers, nationalists and dangerous conservative rhetoric, anti-disability, anti-queer, TERF rhetoric, or other red flags and dangerous behaviors
  • "Fandom conservatives," liberally using words like "pedophile" or "zoophile" to refer to queer artists and/or incorrectly using terms like "cp" instead of "CSAM" or "CSEM," and comparisons to fictional content as being "on par" with these atrocities
  • Users under the age of 18, regardless as to whether or not the commission is SFW or NSFW
  • Users harassing me, the artist, for faster work, updates, prioritization, etc.
  • Unprofessional behavior including but not limited to: constant messages, micromanagement, gossip, refusal to pay upfront, demands for using a different form of payment (BTC, Dogecoin, etc.)
  • If the commission is not in good faith fiction, is actively transphobic/homophobic or racist, or otherwise bleeds into your real life opinions on such things in any way
  • Users who vilify others for fictional kinks and actions
  • I will NOT be taking private commissions (anonymous is fine)


    Due to current circumstances I, the artist, am unable to work on a deadline. The art you, the buyer, commission may be completed within one week, or five months, or longer. Medical reasons prevent better estimations, and I, the artist, request your patience. If you cannot be patient, please do not commission here.


    Payment will be made through BUY ME A COFFEE only, and your email must be provided in your initial commission message. Once confirmed, you will be sent an invoice for the full price of the commission. Partial payment is not available at this time.
    No alternate forms of payment will be accepted. Upcharges are applicable to complex characters, objects, extra characters, and other addons. These upcharges may vary depending on character design, item, and other factors. By default, addition of a secondary character will be a 70% upcharge.


    A refund cannot be requested at this time. A FULL refund, as well as the WIP of the original commission, will be provided if I, the artist, for some reason cannot complete it.

    Artist's Rights

    I, the artist, reserve the right to use the works commissioned in portfolios, use on social media, and other non-commercial uses. I reserve the rights to my works at all times. Any reposting of my work should be credited to me with a link back to one of my accounts if possible.
    I will NOT use commissions to profit beyond the initial purchase, such as but not limited to: pins, t-shirts, prints, and bags.

    Buyer's Rights

    You, the buyer, have full rights to the individual piece (or pieces) that you have purchased. So long as due credit is given, you may reupload, repost, and share your commission wherever you’d like.
    You do NOT own the rights to commercialize your commission in any way, using it for RedBubble, Etsy, Teespring, or any other website allowing you to create pins, shirts, bags, etc. with artwork posted to their site.
    You are free to make prints for NONPROFIT, such as for yourself and friends to hang on your walls. To do this, do not go through deviantArt or other print websites that monetize the work.
    With the exception of fully completed works (lines, flats, & shading), you may edit, color, or freely share your commission. Example: if you purchase a lineart, you have the rights to color it, or pay someone else to color it for you.

    Will Draw
  • Furry
  • Feral
  • OCs
  • Canon Characters (Pokemon, Digimon, Neopets, Monster Rancher, Monster Hunter, Sonic, Transformers, Wings of Fire, & Others)
  • Fetish / Heavy NSFW
  • SFW
  • Vore (Oral)
  • Inflation, Stuffing, Bloating
  • Pregnancy, Breeding, Ovi
  • “Futa, Trap, Herm” Characters (UNLESS there is reason to believe these terms are being used by you, the buyer, as a way to inflict harm upon trans folk– such as commissioning art of a character you do not have permission to address this way)
  • Uniforms

    Will NOT Draw
  • Objectification of Women, POC, Trans Folk, and the like (in the event you are taking these things out of fiction, specifically, or if there is reason to believe you are trying to be hateful)
  • Openly racist/sexist/homophobic works, or works which promote such ideologies
  • Raceplay (excludes "species play" and similar sci-fantasy versions, unless there is evidence to suggest you are using this as a standin for something more sinister)
  • Degradation (Based on Gender, Sexuality, Race, etc. if there is evidence to suggest you are attempting to promote hateful ideologies)
  • Characters under the age of 14, sexual or not ("Lolicon," "Shotacon," "Toddlercon," "Cub," etc.)
  • Characters depicted sexually under the age of 18 (body types are case-by-case, petite body types will ideally not be descriminated against)
  • Cervical Penetration / Womb Fucking
  • Hyper-Complex Machinery
  • Cars, Other Vehicles
  • Buildings, Cityscapes
  • Rape, Noncon
  • Gore, Guro
  • Prolapse
  • Consumption of Feces or Urine
  • Vomit
  • Cum Eating/Drinking
  • Swastikas, Confederate Flags, etc.
  • Hate art of any sort, regardless of my own opinions
  • "Snark"/Mockery Art (parody art will be considered at my own discretion)
  • RPF

    I am not a squeamish person and am willing to draw many things. If what you want isn’t above, please send a message and ask about it! Some things, such as certain fetishes, may have an upcharge.

    Non-Artwork Commissions
    This section is under revision.

    All previous rules apply and will be expanded upon when applicable. I, the creator, will as to here be referred to as such.
    Prior sections which are most applicable: RIGHT TO DECLINE, DEADLINES, PAYMENT, REFUNDS.

    Writing Commissions
    My rates for written works are $10 per 1000 words (Times New Roman 12 point font). Works will be justified for a smoother read. Works will be completed in Google Docs and exported into any desired format (epub, pdf, txt, etc.) with no extra charge.

    I can also post the pieces to any website the TOS allows (that I personally have an account on), including, but not limited to: fimfiction, Archive of Our Own*, FurAffinity, deviantArt, & InkBunny.

    *I will review the site in question's TOS of my own accord. Understand that websites like dA and Wattpad don't actually allow pornographic content (or content specifically for sexual enjoyment), as well as banning certain themes (dA bans "aged up" characters). I don't care what you can FIND on those sites that actively disregard the TOS, but I was around for the FanFiction.net purges and do not wish to be part of that again, thank you.

    *If posted to AO3, no mention of commission will be allowed, in the description or comments. Any such mention will be removed to comply with TOS (note: TOS specifies one cannot ask for money or advertise commissions, NOT that one cannot post links to one's other accounts or cannot post completed commissions).
    I am always looking for other writing-specific sites to join, so feel free to recommend some to me if you want your commission posted in a particular place.

    Will Write
  • "Will Draw" Section
  • Self-Inserts
  • Reader Inserts & Anon
  • Second Person Prose
  • Third Person Prose
  • First Person Prose
  • Specific Fandoms & Ships
  • RPF

    Will Not Write
  • Anything on my "Will Not Draw" List (excluding anything to do with backgrounds/scenes, of course)
  • Most Slurs (N-word, Tr*nny, etc.)
  • Highly-Specific AU Canon Characters (Character MUST retain their canon personality to some extent)
  • Certain Fandoms & Ships
  • Webring